I had vision of creating a place of education where children would find their second home,learn and play, explore and discover. This dream found a shape when Maharishi Vidya Mandirwas set up in the heart of the city in year 1997. Among the many schools Kolkata is proud of,Maharishi Vidya Mandir has made a name for itself as an institution with a difference, where churning out academically excellent children is not its only motto. It believes in bringing about a holistic development in every child. It teaches and guides, inspires and enkindles. It holds every hand and guides gently, it encourages every achievement and celebrates every feat. It believes that education is not confined within the four walls of a classroom-it goes beyond and opens a new world where good and strong moral values play an equally important role in nurturing the young learners. The divine blessing of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has been an integral part of this institution where regular practice of Transcendental Meditation inspires everyone to work with devotion, dedication and perseverance. When I see Maharishi Vidya Mandir growing every year, spreading its branches far and wide and inspiring so many lives far and near, I feel happy and proud. It reaffirms my belief that if a dream is true and sincere, nothing can stop it from finding a shape. May Maharishi Vidya Mandir continue its journey in the years to come, spreading the light of consciousness.